Best companion to pour out your feelings

Best companion to pour out your feelings

Although the smartphones in our hands are indeed getting efficient and compact with each passing day; however, they can never truly capture the essence of a notebook. The compilation of writings in the form of a notebook has been there for more than a thousand years. Writing in a notebook does not only help you keep your list of chores organized, but it is also an excellent way to express yourself. Let it be your academic learning, or personal learning, writing in a notebook helps you groom in all areas.

Why are notebooks a better choice at school?
Copying notes in your handwriting might seem tedious, but it has its benefits in the longer run. It is a proven fact that you remember things better when you write on your own, so carrying a notebook to the class is better than having pictures. Studies show that writing in a notebook helps you process information in a better manner and enhances memory.  In this era of texts and social media, vocabulary and spellings have been neglected with the use of autocorrect and suggestions. Most people find it arduous to spell simple words, this is why writing in a notebook is necessary. Ever since elementary school, all students are required to have a notebook with them as it improves writing skills and enhances vocabulary.

Notebooks help you express yourself in the best way possible
A notebook is a place where you collect your thoughts and ideas. You do not have any boundings while writing in a notebook. If you are the artistic kind, then you can fill the pages with doodles and colors to express your mind. If you are someone who loves words then there is so much you can write in a notebook. Writing in a notebook feels so peaceful it can instantly elevate your mood. It is a place to record memories and a place to take

Notebooks are perfect for storing memories
Your mind is like a machine, it is constantly working and processing new information. It is either forming memories or generating thoughts. Similar to a hard drive, your brain does not have enough space to store every little detail, it sifts through experiences and retains only the information most likely needed in the future. Unfortunately, so many of your brilliant ideas are forgotten because your brain can not retain them. That one great business plan might seem pointless at the moment, but ten years later when you will have the resources, you will be thrilled to have it written down in a diary, kept at the back of your closet. Documenting your memories and thoughts helps you have a better outlook on life.

How are notebooks better than electronic devices?
Staying away from your phone is a much-needed exercise. Switching to the use of a physical notebook can be beneficial for your brain and your handwriting. For one thing, a new Instagram notification can not distract you from your dolphin notebook. Furthermore, there is no better way of getting your life organized than making a to-do list. Writing down a list of all your daily chores can help you overcome your smartphone addiction. Sure, digital apps for planners and journals are helpful, but there is nothing as handy and accessible as a notebook. Your phone might run out of battery and leave you confused without your to-do list, but a notebook will always be by your side. Excessive use of phones and computers can be harmful to your eyes and body. These electronic devices emit harmful radiation. Notebooks, on the other hand, are nothing but a healthy activity.

In conclusion, it is better to have your doodles, notes, lists, and your thoughts in one place rather than having to switch between numerous apps. If you find it hard to go to a store and buy a notebook, then goosepapers is your savior. You can order online and choose from a wide variety of notebooks and dotted notebooks for better handwriting.

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