Bujo With The Dotted Notebooks

Journaling is never restricted to the typical ‘dear diary’ method or the traditional ‘basic planner’ method, its way more than the typical tradition thing. The fun just begins when you have a habit of writing a diary entry or do the planner stuff but if you love taking things to a fancy organized level than bullet journaling is specifically your thing.

This new pen-to-paper thing often referred to as ‘BuJo’ is all about how you can reap the benefits of journaling on the regular in a way that works for you. You might use it for jotting down all the memories from the day but it most certainly covers a lot more than that. A bullet journal helps you keep track of your daily habits or mood, you might want to record your daily to-do list, reminders for your appointments, gratitude lists or briefings after any event you attended.

Providing a single place for you to write down everything that matters, from your daily tasks to your mental state, all in all, it’s basically organizing your life in written form so you are at peace of mind or you could say written meditation. It may be a motivation for you to slay and slash all of your daily tasks, from mundane chores like making your bed to finalizing your assignments or presentations.

Jotting down your goals might make it all much real and easy for you to reach for them and achieve but even if it doesn’t go right or the journey gets a little rough you can still write it all out and learn from your recorded mistakes. With bullet journaling, things may not be sorted in real life but at least they will be sorted on paper and plus point it will also look good.

So now if you’re all set for BuJo’ing your way through life or you’re already into it and need the perfect journal then you need to head towards Pakistan’s notebooks store Goose Papers as they provide you the finest quality dotted notebooks. Goose Paper’s dotted notebooks are the ideal candidates to be your new bullet journal with a choice of size A4 or size A5.

Order your new dotted notebook from Goose and start BuJo’ing. Goose Paper’s classic notebooks Pakistan is graced with are easily available online so Pakistan can buy notebooks online.


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